Fish Oil Supplements Might Help Prevent Cancer

Robert Gadimian
1 min readOct 29, 2021

Robert Gadimian is a drug research and regulatory consultant with hands-on experience in various pharmaceutical environments, from Big Pharma to small biotech firms. Research into cancer has led Robert Gadimian to investigate the effects of supplements on cancer and patient mortality.

Cancer develops in the body when there is already abnormality or damage. For example, a smoker’s lungs only develop cancer after the chemicals in the cigarettes have caused DNA damage sufficient to cause a cell to become cancerous. To have the best chance of avoiding cancer, it is essential to have a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Supplements can give the body the vitamins and minerals to function optimally without becoming damaged or developing a mutation.

For example, fish oil supplements that contain long-chain omega-3 promote healthy cell growth and division. It is not recommended to assume that fish oil will counteract poor lifestyle factors like smoking. Still, on its own, it does reduce the chance of cell damage and the development of polyps in the body which can be precursors to cancer.



Robert Gadimian

A Burbank, California-based regulatory affairs professional, Robert Gadimian serves as president of Perceptive Regulatory Consulting.